
> FILM <

zur eroeffnung am
mittwoch, den 17. dezember 2009, 20 h
 hatten wir eingeladen

bis 30.dezember 2009
konnte besichtigt werden

The project "Film" is a reflection of the common inwardness of "video" and "pictures".

Nelya Korzhova - painting.

5 pictures - inspired the film > Red Desert < of Michelangelo Antonioni are to be seen: The triptych > Meeting < and the diptych > Yes <. These paintings are copied frames from the movie. Here Nelya Korzhova is a translator, who guides the viewer’s interest from the story to the form. It is a game between the "copy" and "original" when the "copy" supplied with a new element and there it is as an "original". The > 14 portraits of Andy < is an original silkscreen prints by Andy Warhol with the word "Kino". Lightness of "film" (movie isn’t true) allows to remove the problem of "authenticity." > Dreams < is about contrasting concepts of "abstract" and "conceptual".

Roman Korzhov - video.

The presented videos > Formula 1 < and > Chorale prelusion<  are a research how it is akin to the "body" of picture. For this it was necessary to use only the very simple technological tools: cutting, different speed, rotation and split, and of course «Ctrl + C - Ctrl + V», in general that is all from what the "body" of movie consists.It’s interesting that the word «film» has a few of values: flicker, haze, and smoke, thin thread, cover, shell, membrane and veil. All videos made in 2009. In most cases the camera is not moving.





wir danken der landeshauptstadt , insbesondere der stabsabteilung internationale angelegenheiten / staedtepartnerschaften und dem land BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG